richard britten
Eastern Virginia Medical School
Norfolk, United States
Associate Editor
Learning and Memory
Eastern Virginia Medical School
Norfolk, United States
Associate Editor
Learning and Memory
Maryland Psychiatric Research Center, University of Maryland School of Medicine
Baltimore, United States
Associate Editor
Motivation and Reward
The Rockefeller University
New York City, United States
Associate Editor
Motivation and Reward
University of Catania
Catania, Italy
Associate Editor
Pathological Conditions
Sapienza University of Rome
Rome, Italy
Associate Editor
Learning and Memory
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
Paris, France
Associate Editor
Motivation and Reward
Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte
Natal, Brazil
Associate Editor
Learning and Memory
University of Colorado Boulder
Boulder, United States
Associate Editor
Emotion Regulation and Processing
Sapienza University of Rome
Rome, Italy
Associate Editor
Learning and Memory
University of Palermo
Palermo, Italy
Associate Editor
Individual and Social Behaviors
University of Trento
Trento, Italy
Associate Editor
Emotion Regulation and Processing
INSERM U1216 Grenoble Institut des Neurosciences (GIN)
La Tronche, France
Associate Editor
Motivation and Reward
Cooper Medical School of Rowan University
Camden, United States
Associate Editor
Pathological Conditions
Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto
Toronto, Canada
Associate Editor
Motivation and Reward
Faculty of Medicine, University of Jaume I
Castellón, Spain
Associate Editor
Motivation and Reward
The Pennsylvania State University (PSU)
University Park, United States
Associate Editor
Behavioral Endocrinology