jose antonio rodriguez martin
Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agroalimentaria (INIA)
Madrid, Spain
Associate Editor
Climate, Ecology and People
Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agroalimentaria (INIA)
Madrid, Spain
Associate Editor
Climate, Ecology and People
Independent researcher
Monterrey, Mexico
Associate Editor
Climate Adaptation
Polytechnic University of Milan
Milan, Italy
Associate Editor
Carbon Dioxide Removal
Radboud University
Nijmegen, Netherlands
Associate Editor
Climate Risk Management
Ghent University
Ghent, Belgium
Associate Editor
Carbon Dioxide Removal
Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology (IITM)
Pune, India
Associate Editor
Predictions and Projections
North East Institute of Science and Technology (CSIR)
Jorhāt, India
Associate Editor
Carbon Dioxide Removal
University of California, Berkeley
Berkeley, United States
Associate Editor
Carbon Dioxide Removal
University of New South Wales
Kensington, Australia
Associate Editor
Predictions and Projections
Harokopio University
Kallithea, Greece
Associate Editor
Climate Risk Management
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge, United States
Associate Editor
Predictions and Projections
University of Saskatchewan
Saskatoon, Canada
Associate Editor
Climate and Health
Research Institute for Sustainability – Helmholtz Centre Potsdam
Potsdam, Germany
Associate Editor
Climate Risk Management
VU Amsterdam
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Associate Editor
Climate Services
University of Alabama
Tuscaloosa, United States
Associate Editor
Climate Risk Management
Henan University of Science and Technology
Luoyang, China
Associate Editor
Climate Action