anna osterholtz
Department of Anthropology and Middle Eastern Cultures, College of Arts and Sciences, Mississippi State University
Mississippi State, United States
Review Editor
Human Bioarchaeology and Paleopathology
Department of Anthropology and Middle Eastern Cultures, College of Arts and Sciences, Mississippi State University
Mississippi State, United States
Review Editor
Human Bioarchaeology and Paleopathology
University College Cork
Cork, Ireland
Review Editor
Human Bioarchaeology and Paleopathology
Department of Archaeology, Max Planck Institute for Geoanthropology
Jena, Germany
Review Editor
Human Bioarchaeology and Paleopathology
University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Las Vegas, United States
Review Editor
Human Bioarchaeology and Paleopathology
Department of Anthropology, University of Nevada Reno
Reno, United States
Review Editor
Human Bioarchaeology and Paleopathology
Department of Life Sciences, Faculty of Sciences and Technology, University of Coimbra
Coimbra, Portugal
Review Editor
Human Bioarchaeology and Paleopathology
Western University
London, Canada
Review Editor
Human Bioarchaeology and Paleopathology
University of Bonn
Bonn, Germany
Review Editor
Human Bioarchaeology and Paleopathology
Liverpool John Moores University
Liverpool, United Kingdom
Review Editor
Human Bioarchaeology and Paleopathology
Independent researcher
Pescara, Italy
Review Editor
Human Bioarchaeology and Paleopathology
University of Salento
Lecce, Italy
Review Editor
Human Bioarchaeology and Paleopathology
School of Health Sciences, University of Notre Dame Australia
Fremantle, Australia
Review Editor
Human Bioarchaeology and Paleopathology
Australian National University
Canberra, Australia
Review Editor
Human Bioarchaeology and Paleopathology
British Museum
London, United Kingdom
Review Editor
Human Bioarchaeology and Paleopathology
James Madison University
Harrisonburg, United States
Review Editor
Human Bioarchaeology and Paleopathology
University of Southampton
Southampton, United Kingdom
Review Editor
Human Bioarchaeology and Paleopathology