thomas croguennec
Institut Agro Rennes-Angers
Rennes, France
Associate Editor
Food and Soft Materials
Institut Agro Rennes-Angers
Rennes, France
Associate Editor
Food and Soft Materials
National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET)
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Associate Editor
Granular Matter
University of Birmingham
Birmingham, United Kingdom
Associate Editor
Self-Assembly and Self-Organisation
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
Gaithersburg, United States
Associate Editor
National Tsing Hua University
Hsinchu City, Taiwan
Associate Editor
Kyung Hee University
Seoul, Republic of Korea
Associate Editor
Liquid Crystals
Université de Montpellier
Montpellier, France
Associate Editor
Colloids and Emulsions
University of Southern Denmark
Odense, Denmark
Associate Editor
Food and Soft Materials
RMIT University
Melbourne, Australia
Associate Editor
Self-Assembly and Self-Organisation
University of Bucharest
Bucharest, Romania
Associate Editor
Liquid Crystals
IFP Energies nouvelles
Rueil-Malmaison, France
Associate Editor
Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives (CEA)
Paris, France
Associate Editor
Colloids and Emulsions
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Laboratoire Physicochimie des Electrolytes et Nanosystèmes Interfaciaux (PHENIX)
Paris, France
Associate Editor
Colloids and Emulsions
The University of Tokyo
Bunkyo, Japan
Associate Editor
Biological Soft Matter
UMR5520 Laboratoire de Rheologie et Procedes (LRP)
Gieres, France
Associate Editor
Food and Soft Materials
University of Kentucky
Lexington, United States
Associate Editor