david broom
Coventry University
Coventry, United Kingdom
Specialty Chief Editor
Physical Activity in the Prevention and Management of Disease
University of La Frontera
Temuco, Chile
Associate Editor
Physical Activity in the Prevention and Management of Disease
The University of Utah
Salt Lake City, United States
Associate Editor
Physical Activity in the Prevention and Management of Disease
Institute of Cardiovascular and Medical Sciences, University of Glasgow
Glasgow, United Kingdom
Associate Editor
Physical Activity in the Prevention and Management of Disease
University of Liverpool
Liverpool, United Kingdom
Associate Editor
Physical Activity in the Prevention and Management of Disease
U.O.C. Medicina dello Sport e dell'Esercizio, Dipartimento di Medicina, UniversitĂ di Padova
Padova, Italy
Associate Editor
Physical Activity in the Prevention and Management of Disease
Foro Italico University of Rome
Rome, Italy
Associate Editor
Physical Activity in the Prevention and Management of Disease
Teachers College, Columbia University
New York City, United States
Associate Editor
Physical Activity in the Prevention and Management of Disease
University of Calgary
Calgary, Canada
Associate Editor
Physical Activity in the Prevention and Management of Disease
University of Edinburgh
Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Associate Editor
Physical Activity in the Prevention and Management of Disease
University of the Witwatersrand
Johannesburg, South Africa
Associate Editor
Physical Activity in the Prevention and Management of Disease
Nottingham Trent University
Nottingham, United Kingdom
Associate Editor
Physical Activity in the Prevention and Management of Disease
School of Medicine and Health Sciences, G. D'Annunzio University of Chieti-Pescara
Chieti, Italy
Associate Editor
Physical Activity in the Prevention and Management of Disease
Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Associate Editor
Physical Activity in the Prevention and Management of Disease