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229 journals


Field chief editor
Asoke K Nandi, Brunel University London, Uxbridge, United Kingdom·
8 sections 157 articles 355,640 article views 1.3 IF
Field chief editor
Stuart F Quan, Harvard Medical School, Boston, United States·
8 sections 154 articles 253,099 article views
Field chief editor
John T. Jost, New York University, New York City, United States·
5 sections 69 articles 107,155 article views
Field chief editor
Hannah Bradby, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden·
12 sections 1,436 articles 10,533,952 article views 5,700 citations 2.0 IF 3.4 citescore
Field chief editor
Davey Jones, Bangor University, Bangor, United Kingdom·
8 sections 193 articles 603,408 article views 2.1 IF 1.9 citescore
Field chief editor
Guglielmo S Aglietti, The University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand·
8 sections 124 articles 457,994 article views
Chief editors
Gregoire P Millet, Université de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland·
Richard Giulianotti, Loughborough University, Loughborough, United Kingdom·
16 sections 2,342 articles 10,919,434 article views 8,200 citations 2.3 IF 2.6 citescore
Field chief editor
Sean Isaac Savitz, University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, Houston, United States·
8 sections 132 articles 135,606 article views
Field chief editor
Dennis Paul Orgill, Harvard Medical School, Boston, United States·
15 sections 5,227 articles 18,574,963 article views 20,200 citations 1.6 IF 1.9 citescore
Field chief editor
Sangwon Suh, Watershed Technology Inc, San Francisco, United States·
11 sections 567 articles 2,620,364 article views 1,900 citations 3.3 citescore
Field chief editor
James Evans, Manchester Urban Institute, The University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom·
12 sections 699 articles 3,239,575 article views 2,700 citations 2.4 IF 4 citescore